Sunday, December 5, 2010

I need to work on some things...

Okay so I really need to work on writing this more often. Sorry everybody.
Anyways. I had a very nice thanksgiving, my mom came up to visit and have thanksgiving with me and I spent the next to days with my bestie at her house. We watched movies, slept in and just had an awesome time.
I continue to love college. My friends are great. And for once in my life when issues arise I can talk them out, and move on and be okay. Which is nice.
I'm looking forward to seeing my SoCal family and friends during winter break, but im sad to leave everyone up here.
I have finals this week which is not so fun but, I know I will kick butt.
Love to All,

Friday, November 12, 2010


Okay. I fail, epically. But let me explain. My laptop died and I just got it back two days ago. Anyways, that's still a bad excuse.
So basically. I love college. My friends are awesome. I love cooking dinner once a week. Trips to Cat's house are epic. I laugh on daily basis. I've come up against things I've never dreamed over. I've fought battles and broken down walls (not literally). I have never had so much constant fun. I've done things I've only ever talked about and continue to be presented with new choices and challenges daily. I love love love spending time with my besties Cat, Daniel and Ashlyn. My roomates crack me up and make me giggle everyday. I love every minute of everyday when I'm at school, even when things get tough. I know my friends will be by my side.
I registered for my classes next quarter and am looking forward to what I'm taking.
Well that's all for now.
More Details next time.
Love Always
Paige 'Kitten'

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week Two. Done. Week Three. Done. Bring it on Week Four!

A definition of college from a 4th week freshman: giggly, funny, exciting, interesting, random, crazy, homework, "studying", M&M's, laptops, eating, sleeping, caffeine, candy, snacks, cereal, important information, pointless information, stories, smiles, love, friendship, trial and error, new, different, 1/2/3 am (times I never thought I'd see willingly), RA's, suitemates, roomates, professors, organizations, fast food and a whole lot more. Plus a new nickname, just call me Kitten :) LOL I love college!!!!!!

Yep pretty much! Anyways, I am enjoying everyday here at CSUEB (more or less). There are plenty of people to get to know and lots of fun to be had ( you kinda just have to go looking for it). Thursday is the best day of the week. I get to go to my English class, which I love and then I have my club meeting and then it's sit in the lobby time. :) (I'll explain in a moment)

My suitemates and I continue to get along and have fun together. We have taken several random trips to get food and whatnot together. However we have a new and unwelcome friend, a mouse! EEK! Not really though. It isn't bothering anyone. We live next to grass hills and that's where is came from. Not a big deal.

I still like all of my classes. My favorite class is GS, because I love my professor, she is amazing and I wish I had her class more than once a week.

Okay so maybe I should explain lobby time and my new nickname. So my RA (her name is Cat) and I have been hanging out. Well on Thursday's Cat has the "On Call" phone. Which means if anyone in the building needs anything they call her. (All of the RA's take turns doing this). So as part of being "on call" she has to sit in the lobby so I always go with her. So this week while we were down there this guy who lives on the 4th floor (our floor) says to Cat in regards to me: I always see her with you. I'm going to start calling you friend. And Cat says: You could learn her name, it's Paige. And the guy says: That's no fun. She needs a nickname. And I say: Well you could call me mini Cat. And Cat says: NO! Which makes everyone laugh. And then Cat is all: I know! Call her Kitten! So there you go. I now answer to Paige or Kitten. Yep, I love college life! :)

Camp Okizu was amazing by the way! I had tons of fun!

Anyways, thanks for reading!
Much Love!

PS: M&M's are a staple food around here and cash is like case you were wondering! lol :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week One, is officially done!

Hello there everyone. You may be asking yourself, self I wonder how Paige is doing in college at CSUEB. Well let me tell you, this school gets more and more exciting with each passing day. My first day of classes was Wednesday. I started out my morning bright and early at 9:05am with Statistics (yes folks you heard it here Paige does higher level math!) That class lasts until 10:30am. After that I have an hour and a half until GS. Which is short for General Studies. It starts at noon and is basically what I like to call the "How to be a Freshman/College Student" class. Wednesday went well. My Stats teacher is Asian and has a bit of an accent but nothing that I can't handle, and my GS teacher is super kind. So far my Wednesdays look good. Then on Thursday I got my day started with Kinesiology. This class starts at 10:00am and is more or less a nutrition/health class. It seems pretty interesting so far. Finishing at 11:50am I then go straight from Kinesiology to English. English is amazing. I love my teacher she's super cool and I think I'm really going to be able to learn a lot from her. Thursdays should be good (as will Tuesdays). Fridays and Mondays are Stats only and you already my thoughts on that subject.
So on to the exciting stuff. Up here at CSUEB, we like to keep it classy and interesting. First day of classes, Wednesday, they are doing construction on what will be our Gym (called the Recreation and Wellness Center) and they hit a gas pipe. Causing, you guessed it a gas leak. Luckily, no one had to be evacuated or anything but they did have to call the fire department and it caused extreme traffic on our campus. Then, because we here love excitement so much, there was a blackout this evening. (Saturday). The power was out for about an hour and a half. Not too bad but definitely an annoyance and inconvenience.
My RA, her name is Cat. Is super nice and really great. We played Apples to Apples before our floor meeting Wednesday night and had a lot of fun (I kinda felt like I was at camp! :]).
I'm looking forward to a good year here at CSUEB and as far as I can tell things are never going to be dull! :)
One week down and many more to go.

On another note, I got a volunteer position at Camp Okizu ( which is like a Northern California version of Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times). They serve families that have been affected by childhood cancer, and I will be helping with two family camp sessions in October. And if things go well I am hoping to do a summer session or two. :) Got stay campinated (this is like being caffeinated only for extreme camp enthusiasts like me :])

I'll write again soon.

P.S. I really like getting mail so...
Paige DeAlmeida
1901 Harder Road Apt.1047C #671
Hayward CA

Much love to all!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

extra extra read all about it!

Well I've offically been a college student a little over 24 hours. Haven't had any classes yet but class is just a technicality. :)Not gonna lie though I am excited for classes to start, meeting new people and whatnot...I just am not looking forward to the homework. Anyways, I have 7 suitemates and 1 roomate. My roomate's name is Sadie and then my other suitemates are: Cristina, Anastasia, Emily, Linda, Liana, and Bre. Everyone is really nice so far. Things have been pretty crazy we all haven't gotten to hang out as a big group yet. All the RA (Resident Advisers) and other college kid staff as well as adult staff have been super nice and helpful. Things have gone pretty smoothly thus far...except for one of my suitemates locking herself out of her bedroom...but it's all good. Thank goodness for cool RA's (shout out and props to Heather and Cat:])Well that's about it. We have block party tomorrow and dinner is in about 20 minutes so that's it for now. Peace out and thanks for reading!